
Three hundred million song
Three hundred million song

The narrator of the well-known tune not only wants to be flown to the moon, but wishes to "play among the stars" and "see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars." After that first verse, though, the space conceit is dropped in favor of love song boilerplate. "Fly Me to the Moon" - Frank Sinatra (and many others)

three hundred million song

The German synth-gods who usually sing about the autobahn and robots took a side trip to space in this electronic ode to a space station on their "Man-Machine" album, likely inspired by then-current Skylab. "I dig my atmosphere machine" is an appropriate lyric, though "burning green like a rhomboid sun" suggests a heretofore undiscovered stellar form (or possibly just too much of those Fog City drugs). rockers who created "White Punks on Dope" comes this epic mid-70s song of interstellar questing. What's sadder is that we are no closer to having a moon habitat for Ernie today than when the song premiered decades ago.įrom the eponymous debut album by the theatrical S.F. The beloved Muppet character (voiced by Jim Henson) sings plaintively of the many sacrifices he would have to make should he reside on the moon, then decides such a life would be too burdensome to bear. "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon" -"Sesame Street" (sung by Ernie) The ever- growing problem of space junk is even more alarming today than back then. The yellow-suited Akron, Ohio, spudboys came up with this catchy number back in the '70s. The nerdcore group raps from the point of view of Pluto, hilariously asserting that " Pluto is a planet!" Damn straight! (Warning: It contains adult language, so don't play it on NASA TV!)

Three hundred million song series#

This is the season with the most characters introduced, beating Series 4 with 16-100.The popular band presently based in Brooklyn sings of going out looking for astronauts and other topics less associated with astronauts.In the first 5 episodes, the Ten out of Ten theme song plays but in the rest, a new intro plays in favor of them being in space.1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 don't wear hats but in Doubling Big Numbers they do.32 and 64 has new designs starting in Doubling Big Numbers where they are wearing a hat, to repersent that they are doubles.A trailer aired on Cbeebies and it showed clips from The Times Palace, Adding Left to Right, Every Times Tables, Adding Ones, Welcome to Football Planet, and Two Hundred.Another Twitter Post (it shows 32's personality) showed 32's new design.

three hundred million song three hundred million song

  • One Twitter Post showed a clip from Welcome to Football Planet featuring 22 splitting into 2 11s and kicking the ball.
  • TBA (Series 6 recap, Series 7 introduction.
  • Dozenalblocks (Bases 11 and 12, Debuts: Dek, El, Do).
  • Two Universes (Adding Negative and Positive, Debuts: -11, -12, -13, -14, -15).
  • Fibonacci Club (The Fibonacci Sequence, Debuts: 34, 89, 144, 233, 377).
  • A Round Thing! (Irrational Numbers, Debuts: Pi, Tau, Rho).
  • One Times Table's Guide to Time Part 3 (15 minute episode about time).
  • One Times Table's Guide to Time Part 2 (15 minute episode about time).
  • One Times Table's Guide to Time Part 1 (15 minute episode about time).
  • Negative or Positive (Find Out of Negative or Positive, Debuts: -6, -7, -8, -9, -10).
  • Orders of Magnitude (The Orders of Magnitude up to 1,000,000,000).
  • The Giant One (Number 1000, Debuts: 1000).
  • Even More Hundreds (Adding Hundreds up to 900, Debuts: 600, 700, 800, 900).
  • Doubling Big Numbers (Doubling up to 256, Debuts: 128, 256, 512).
  • Just Add Hundred (Adding Hundreds up to 500, Debuts: 300, 400 and 500).
  • three hundred million song

  • Square Planet (Bigger Squares than 100, Debuts: 144, 169, 196).
  • One Hundred and a Friend (After 100, Debuts: 101, 102).
  • Adding Left to Right (Adding bigger numbers).
  • Every Times Tables (1-10 times tables recap and Times Table chart).
  • Octoblock vs Octonaughty (Eight Times Table, Debuts: 72).
  • Rainbow Ride (Seven Times Table, Debuts: 56, 63).
  • The Times Palace (Six Times Table, Debuts: 42, 48, 54).
  • Note: The episodes after Table Club now takes place in Space.

    Three hundred million song